Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our Saturday May 30 2009

Earlier this week and this morning we worked on the patio by the garage. It had become the junkyard for everything that needed to be hauled away.

We kept the table umbrella, the trash cans, wheelbarral, tomato cages, the shovels, the rakes and the red dolly in the picture below.

But everything else went.

I got some of the 'jungle' vines trimmed, but have a lot more to do.

It's a good thing I questioned what was in a plastic bag. I opened it up to find another plastic bag and inside that second plastic bag were Kyle's hats he had worn as a young child. Thankfully they were double bagged so no spiders or rain had gotten to them. I will wash them and repack them. Kyle was thankful I found them. Below is a picture of his coonskin hat we had bought while visiting my aunt in Indiana one time. There is a funny story to this hat. At the time Kyle was always wearing it, we had a cat the same color. I do not allow my cats on the dining room table. One day Kyle had come in and thrown his hat on the table. I walked in shortly after him and saw the hat out of the corner of my eye. I walked over to the hat and said very loudly "Get off the table" -- the hat just stared back at me... silently. Kyle and I laughed so hard over that one for awhile.

My jasmine bush out front has had it's season, boo hoo. Two days ago it was gorgeous white all over and I was going to take a picture of it but didn't get it done.

This morning the pretty white, wonderful smelling flowers are beginning to turn brown.

This pretty dusty miller is blooming at the office door stoop. I love the yellow rose next to it. We have so much yard work to do... the past two days were cloudy and cool and we are supposed to only be in the mid 70s all week with a few more cloudy days. It has actually smelled and felt like rain today. Good working in the yard weather.

The stray kittens are still entertainng us, and Honey. She sits at the living room window or stands on her two hind legs at the dining room window watching them. She has not ventured near Mrs. Momma Cat anymore, though!

This week I am using this little cookbook for our menus and recipes. It is from June 1943 and the food is so yummy. I actually lost about 30 pounds using the recipes from this book about 15 years ago. It is all old-fashioned cooking from scratch. I will put on my big band music, my apron and be a content Suzy Homemaker. I love cooking for Jerry. He likes almost all types of food and the more old-fashioned the better.

Thank you for visiting! Come again.

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