Sunday, June 7, 2009

Wings Over Gillespie 2009 Airshow

This was the 14th annual Wings Over Gillespie airshow. As you already know, I love airshows. My Dad was in the Air Force during Korea. He was an airplane mechanic and ever since I was a little girl I can remember my Dad receiving the airplane magazines. Some Sunday's after church we would stop by the municiple airport and Dad would walk around looking at the planes and lifting each of us 5 kids up so we could peek inside also. Of course that was before there were fences everywhere. Now you can't do that.

The airshow today commemorated the 65th anniversary of D-Day. There were over 40 World War 2 aircraft on display (including bombers, helicopters, fighter planes, etc). There was a live parachute drop from the "D-Day Doll" (picture below) reenacting the D-Day drop. There were aerial battles (dogfights), and our local sheriff department gave a helicopter rescue demonstartion. The CDF (California Department of Forestry) did an actual water drop from their huge plane (I did not get a picture of the CDF water plane, I meant to, but it skipped out of my mine until we were already home).

If you go to this website: and click on the link Air Group One, you can read all about the World War 2 Flying Museum of San Diego Gillespie Field. It is very interesting with more information about the planes pictured here. I don't know all my airplanes, I wish I did. I love hearing the WW2 planes flying overhead and my heart swells with pride when I think of the men who have flown them.

Since I don't know which plane is what, I am just posting the pictures in the order I took them with no comments except for a few that I knew and for the bomber D-Day Dolly. There are some pictures of vintage German military gear. The only thing American on display today was the C-rations which I did get a picture of.

I hope you enjoy the pictures. There were vintage cars there, too. I will post those another day.

D-Day Dolly in the distance

D-Day Dolly up close

These were land mines.


These young men were dressed in WW2 military uniforms.

This is one of the planes that did the acrobatic flying.

Jerry taking a break. A local children's group put on a program at noon.

Stay tuned for the vintage cars another day!

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