Thursday, November 5, 2009

New Blog Finally Up

I have been neglecting this blog the past few days because I have been working on getting my new homemaking blog up that I have been promising to do for several months now.  I am really excited about it’s look and what I will be posting on it --  all things to do with old-fashioned homemaking!

The link to the new blog is:

I also have it listed on the sidebar here under “Please visit my other blog”.

Thank you for being so patient with me in getting this done.  I have been dreaming about doing something like this for at least 10 years! 

I also want to take this minute and say how sad I am for the families whose military members were killed today at Ft. Hood, Texas.  My husband was stationed at Ft. Hood for awhile after returning from Vietnam and today’s senseless rampage has saddened him a lot.  Our prayers are with the families of the fallen and the wounded, and all our military personnel who do a brave job and who are much needed and respected by us. 

Thank you for your service.

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