Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Scare

For the past several months Ashley has been suffering pain in her abdomen in the gallbladder area.  Her doctors have not been able to figure out why.  Yesterday when she went to her doctor for a followup checkup due to putting on a lot of weight in a few short days, she was told her blood pressure was very high.  

So off to the hospital she went for a 24-hour observation due to preeclampsia.  She does have an appointment with a specialist who will be checking on her gallbladder just to be sure, but it appears her abdominal pain could have been due to the preeclampsia all along.  

This morning a sonogram was done and she was told our little baby boy weighs close to 5 pounds, 2 weeks bigger than a 'normal' 31 weeks gestation baby.  His heart, lungs, head, and the rest of his body are perfectly shaped and his little heart is beating as it should be.  

Her blood pressure has stabilized and she did come home today.  She will be on bed rest for the duration of her pregnancy it looks like.  

I am eager to hold this little man in my arms and to shower him with those wonderful grandma kisses on his sweet little head and hands, but we are all praying that his entrance into this world will be closer to his due date!  We know God is in control and we are praising Him and thanking Him for modern medical technology. 

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