Monday, May 18, 2009

Mission Beach

This past January Bonnie was tired of the snow and cold so she hopped a plane and came to spend a weekend with us. The only thing she requested was that she wanted to spend one full day at the beach. So Kym, Kyle and I took her to Mission Beach. The day we took Bonnie it was sunny and gorgeous and 80 degrees. I forgot to bring my camera with me that day. So today Jerry and I went to Mission Beach and I took pictures, there was a marine layer - sadly no sunshine today. I understand there was some rain out over the ocean. Jerry and I had fun anyways and I hope these pictures bring some pleasant memories for you, Bonnie. Hurry back and visit us again!!

Mission Beach is a little beach community that is located on a stretch of sand that is about 2 miles long known as The Strand. Pacific Beach is on the north end of The Strand with the Mission Bay Channel (entrance to Mission Bay) on the south end. Mission Beach started out as a vacation stop for those escaping Los Angeles for the weekend. Back in those days you could pitch a tent and sleep on the beach near the edge of the water. People began to buy lots and many of the original residences here were once summer cottages in the 1930s and 1940s. The community of Mission Beach is the most densely populated area in San Diego County. Most dwelling lots range from 1200 to 2400 square feet. There are approximately 36 dwelling units per acre. In the summer --- it is crowded. Here is a link to a good aerial photo of Mission Beach:

Here is what it looks like as you are on the street approaching Mission Beach. There is a huge roller coaster that has been there since the 1920s. I plan on doing another post another day on Belmont Park and the roller coaster. Yes, this is looking through our dirty car windshield. Yes, we know, she needs a bath!

I am going to try to recreate the day we took Bonnie with us to the beach. After parking your car in the parking lot, this building is the first thing you walk past. It is a restroom and also an area that has outdoor showers that you can wash the sand from your feet and body before getting into your car.

This next picture is looking south towards the channel entrance. What looks like a pier way off in the distance is actually the rock jetty at the channel entrance. That tall pole at the ocean end of the jetty is called Farac Foghorn.

This following picture is the entrance area that we walked onto the beach from the boardwalk area.

The day Kym, Kyle and I were here with Bonnie, the four of us walked for an hour north, all the way to Pacific Beach. Kyle checked his watch and saw it was getting time for him to leave because he had to be to work, so we turned around and headed south again. An hour later we reached where we had started.

Kyle left to go to work and Kym, Bonnie and I went into this restaurant and had a Mexican lunch. We had a lot of fun.

After we finished eating we headed north on the boardwalk. People walk, ride their bikes, skateboard and rollerskate on this boardwalk. All along it are little shops and eateries. And sand. Lots and lots of sand.

I love the lamposts at each of the beach openings. Some of the openings have steps down to the beach, sometimes those steps are covered in sand so you feel like you aren't even stepping down into the sand.

About a block or two down from the Mexican restaurant we turned right and went into some stores that sell Mission Beach memorablia, swimsuits, towels and any other thing you might need for your day at the beach. The stores we went into are at the far end of this parking lot.

We headed across the above parking lot and walked through Belmont Park. Here are a few pictures to wet your appetite for the post on Belmont Park coming soon! I will tell you that Mission Beach and Belmont Park are the closest attractions to the East Coast's Atlantic City and Coney Island here in San Diego County. Belmont Park opened in 1925. Look at that gorgeous carrousel! I took some closer pictures and will post them when I tell you more about Belmont Park. Yes, that is my handsome hubby walking with his tall walking stick! A lot of people call it his "Moses Stick".

And finally, we ended our day shopping at this store for gifts for Bonnie to take home to Adam and Christopher. Across the way was the last store we went to, which I did not get a picture of. Aunt Bonnie bought Kym's kids, Miranda and David, hermit crabs for a belated Christmas gift. Those crabs are still growing strong, thanks to the love and care of Kym!! Mom's are so talented with all the hats they have to wear, kids never appreciate them until they have kids of their own. Good job Zoo Keeper Mom-Kym!!

I hope you enjoyed your visit to Mission Beach. I had a fun time reminiscing about our winter visit with Bonnie. Most of all, I had a really great time walking the boardwalk today with my husband. It sure was a fun way to fit our walking exercise in. A little muggy with the storm out to sea, but we had fun remembering Belmont Park from when we were younger. Jerry was also a police man and at one time had a "beat" along here, it was fun for me to hear his stories. I remember when he was a police officer... I was really proud of him then and I am still today!!

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