Friday, August 7, 2009

I Am Sick Of Food


Have you ever gotten to the point that if you ever see another piece of food you think you will scream?  That is where I am at the past two days.

On one hand, this is a very good thing, maybe I will start losing weight now.  But on the other hand, when I went to the store to get us food for the weekend today, everything looked disgusting. 

I told Jerry last night that my plan for the coming week or two, possibly three, is to buy only frozen meals for our meals.  This way, instead of turning the oven on and making the house hotter, I can just pop them in the microwave.  They have the calorie counts on the back already, so I do not have to do any figuring.  And since everything is already portioned out, there is no temptation to eat more than I need to.

He agreed.  Since I plan on deep cleaning the house over the next 4 or 6 weeks, I won’t be tempted to beg for us to go out to eat since it will be faster just to nuke a frozen meal already here at the house.  It will save time and money.  And I won’t have to stop cleaning to make a meal from scratch.

Well, I walked into the store this afternoon and looked at the row of frozen meals I had to choose from.  Each and every single one of them looked yucky. 

Why is it when you see the advertisements for the frozen meals in the magazines, the small print will say “we offer over 300 different meals you can choose from” and you look in the freezer case at the store and you have the same boring 10 choices  made by 8 different companies????  Where are my 300 selections?

I am sick of eating out.  I am sick of fast food.  I am too lazy to do a lot of cooking from scratch right now. 

What I am craving is fresh fruit.  Peaches, oranges, strawberries, melons, plums, bananas, and so much more.  We will have to go to the produce store on Monday, I am not tackling the crowds this weekend. 

I do have some canned fruit here at the house…. yummy fruit cocktail sounds good!  How about just a dollop of whipped cream on some cold fruit cocktail? 

Oh yea… now that sounds good.

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