Saturday, March 24, 2012

If Only They Could Tell Us...

Honey follows me around like my shadow.  Sometimes she even tries to lead me around by giving me that look that says "Are you following me?"  Whenever we eat, she is always there for a free handout.  If an ant crosses the street she has to let us know he is out there.  The living room sofa is her throne.  If she hears me putting my shoes on, she is at the back screen door before I am even ready waiting to go out with me.  

This week she didn't do any of the above.  I was afraid I was going to lose her.  Starting on Wednesday all she wanted to do was to lay under our bed.  If I tried to get her to come out, she would tremble.  She wouldn't eat, drink or even go out to go potty.  

I had to lay on the floor and pull her out from under the bed, then carry her outside so she would go the bathroom.  I fed her water with an eyedropper to be sure she stayed hydrated.  This was just about to make me sob hysterically.  We searched her over for any bites, ticks, bumps, lumps, etc.  We couldn't find anything.  She wasn't throwing up and didn't have diarrhea.

Thursday she perked up a bit.  She at least would lay at my feet during the day.  Still, she wouldn't eat or drink or go outside to go potty unless I went out with her.

Yesterday I talked to my daughter-in-law, Ashley.  She used to want to be a Veterinarian and she worked for the animal shelter for quite a few years before she and Kyle moved to Alabama and now Texas with the army.  We came to the conclusion that Honey must be depressed.

For the life of me I can not figure out what made her depressed.  She was happy go lucky one day, and the next she was depressed.  Honey is 8 years old, will be 9 years old this coming May.  The only thing I can guess is that my own mood has been depressed.  I don't have any oomph to do anything.  I am thinking my problem is the medication I am taking.  Could she just be empathizing with me?

Today Honey has been more active, although still not her usual self.

I am a little perturbed with Mr. Gopher who has taken up residence in our backyard.  I say a little because with the meds I am taking, I can't seem to muster any emotions one way or another.  But I am not happy over this development.

Wednesday I planted some blackberry, raspberry and blueberry bushes next to the garage.  I was going to plant them in large tubs instead of in the ground, but finances said in the ground was going to have to do for now.  

This morning when I got up I noticed that one blackberry bush was half the height it was when planted.  After lunch I looked out and it was completely gone!  And now the second blackberry bush is half it's size! 

How do you get rid of gophers when you have a pet?  You would think with all the stray cats in this neighborhood (and it seems in my backyard), they would have quite a feast with Mr. Gopher.  

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