Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!

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Today my Dad turns 78.  He is my hero.  He has always been a hard worker, good provider for my mom and us 5 kids when we were growing up, and now that we are adults, he still takes care of us (like putting in all my new windows!)  Thank you so very much, Dad!  I love you tremendously!!!!  I don’t even think of him as retired yet because from the minute he gets up until the end of the day, he is busy working.  He putters around the house, my house, my sister’s house, his tenants houses, his truck yard and does appraising jobs for other housemovers (he owned his own housemoving business for over 40+ years).
I am very proud of my Dad!!
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Last Tuesday morning Dad and Paul got 2 more windows in the office done.
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Moving right along.  The windows are looking so nice!
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And then they hit a snag Tuesday late afternoon. 
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There are 6 windows on the south side of the house facing my parent’s house.  They are smaller than the windows on the east and west sides of the room.  Dad had to have the windows custom made in my house because the house was built in the 1920s and window sizes have changed through the years.  The windows that came with the order for these 6 south facing windows all came 4 inches too wide – each of them!  The fault apparently was in the measurements Dad gave the manufacturer.
So….. that means no returning, no refunding.  Work on the windows ended on Tuesday to give Dad several days to rethink his strategy. 
Wednesday I spent all day making 10 pies and getting ready for Thanksgiving day and my family all being here. 
We had a wonderful time together on Thanksgiving day.  I forgot to take any pictures, I was so busy all day, and in the evening I didn’t want to get out of my chair, I was so tired.  We ate our large meal at 1 p.m., and had the pies at 5 p.m.  I loved visiting with everyone. 
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Saturday was a very wonderful day! 
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We got rain!  (Looking at my parent’s side yard from the office windows).
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I sat at the windows and just watched it for hours!  We had the fireplace going and felt so cozy and warm.  It rained steady all day. 
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This morning Dad and Paul were back over bright and early to tackle the south facing office windows.
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They will be tearing out all the windows, in between the windows and the window ledge.
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It will take several days, maybe even a couple of weeks,
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and Dad said I will be living with plywood in the windows while they are working along the wall.
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But I know when they are done, the windows will look great!

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