Monday, February 20, 2012

It's Been A Long Time

I really haven't forgotten you, dear blogger.  Honest.  I have meant to start posting again for so long, but one day led into another and then another, then before I knew it 27 months had gone by.  Shame on me.

Today I decided to not procrastinate any longer.

A lot has happened in the past two years in some ways, and in other ways things have stayed the same.  We are still in the same house.  We are still happy to be married to each other.  We still are working on getting healthy.

The things that have changed are:

Kyle and Ashley got married in January and then Kyle left for the army in February.

Kym had her 3rd baby, McKenna Ann, in August.

Bonnie came out to see her new niece in August.

The three older grandkids got to spend some time together when Chris came out with his Mom to see the new baby.  Chris is the oldest grandson.

Jeff and Kayty got married in November.

Kyle and Ashley came back out for Christmas with the newest grandbaby due in May.

And here is a picture of my mom and her newest great-grandbaby in August.

If you go to my other blog called "The Honey Pies Get Healthy" (see the sidebar for the link) you will find all the information on our health issues from the past two years, well, you will if you keep going back to visit it.  I will be posting more on that site in the weeks ahead.

So much change and so much same.

I declared this year the year of getting finshed/started on all those projects I have started or intended to start.  I am currently working on knitting socks.  I always wanted to learn how to knit with double pointed needles.  It is a cinch!  Why did I put it off for so long?

Stay tuned as there will be many more projects in the future to share.

By the way, all the new windows are in the house... all 27 of them.  These double paned windows sure keep out the cold and heat of each of the seasons.  We are really enjoying them.  Thank you Dad and Paul!

One last update... I am so thankful for my Dad.  We almost lost him a few weeks before Christmas.  Praise God he was able to come home from the hospital the day before Christmas.  He insisted on coming over to our house for our annual Christmas dinner and gift exchange.

I promise I won't take so long to post again.

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