Sunday, May 24, 2009

Antique Cars

Here are the pictures of the anitque cars that were at the airshow last weekend. I love them all. I didn't write down which was what, so please enjoy looking at the pictures anyways. Bruce and Jerry are the human subjects in the pictures.

Jerry and I love old cars. There are so many neat ones we see driving on the streets around this county. We will be going to many more old car shows and I will be better at writing the information down, I promise!

Jerry and I love to watch the car auctions on tv. We are amazed at how much some go for and how little some others go for that are just as well restored and beautiful.

I have such a vivid imagination that I can just see myself in these cars dressed in the fashion of the time period for the car. Can't you just imagine riding down the road, most were dirt still in the 30s, with hardly any other traffic around you?

I can remember my first husband's father telling me years ago that when he was a young kid in the late 20s, early 30s, he had an old Model T or something like that. People were still used to horse and buggies as not everyone owned a car yet. He had his best girl sitting next to him in his car and he was stomping on that gas pedal and had it speeding - maxed out at 25 mph. She was holding on for dear life and screaming for him to slow down!!!!!! And Jerry makes fun of me for begging him to slow down on those mountainy roads to 25 mph!

These cars are well preserved and they were gorgeous inside also.

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