Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

Today we honored and remembered those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Each of us have someone in our family who holds this highest honor. Mine is my Uncle Samuel. He served in WW2. Two weeks before he was to come home for good, he gave his life so that each of us can enjoy the lives we have today. He left a Dad, a Mom, 3 Sisters and a fiance. And a niece who thinks it would've been absolutely wonderful to have known him. Samuel has always been one of my favorite boys names.

Today Jerry and I met a couple of friends at a harbor side park called "Spanish Landing". Bruce and Lauren brought their 2 dogs - Chance and Zoe, we brought ourselves and Honey, and Randy brought his friendship. We had a nice lunch and a relaxing day. It was fun to just sit and watch the boats floating by. I tried to take pictures from different angles of our table area so you could see the views we enjoyed.

The first 3 pictures are of the harbor area near where we were. This is where the boats head out to the ocean from the harbor at. Those two specks on the water are people on surfboards with big paddles, they stand and paddle along the water to move themselves around.

My two honeys.

Lauren with Zoe.

Chance and Honey saying "hello".

Guess who? I really love this guy I am with!!

Randy is in the white long sleeve shirt.

There was a young man who had about 5 fishing poles set up in front of our table and he was catching fish one after another. There is one of his catches - it is the white shiny thing in front of his dark shirt.

Bruce trying to light the new gas grill he bought just for our picnic!

If it had been a sunny day, we had a nice shady spot!

Our table from a different angle.

The food. I made a potato salad (even made the mayonnaise homemade), baked beans in the crockpot, a chocolate cake (brought whipped cream and strawberries to put on the cake if one so desired), and I brought a relish tray with all the fixings for hamburgers and hotdogs.

The plastic plates I brought for us to use are shaped like fish and are bright colors (see the stack - the top one is bright pink). They worked out better than paper plates because a) they are heavier and b) you can fit more food on them! The men liked that idea.

Bruce was our bar-b-que chef and he did a fine job grilling hamburgers and hot dogs for us.

The sun tried to break through the clouds off and on.

See San Diego's skyscrapers off in the distance? The closer tall, brown buildings are hotels over on Harbor Island.

This is a very nice place to eat your lunch. I am thinking Jerry and I will have to pack the picnic basket more often and come to this spot during the week. The sidewalk would be wonderful to walk up and down on before or after we ate.

Young ladies, listen up. It doesn't take much to please your man -- a sturdy plate, a fork and spoon, some yummy tasting food, letting him have control of the remote when you are home.... what more could a man want??!! Both my honeys are content with full bellies. Lauren calls Honey our little lioness. Doesn't her ears make her look like she has a mane?

Lots of people were taking their boats out to the ocean to cruise and have their Memorial Day lunches.

A lot of families rode past on their bikes or strolled by. The temperatures were cool if you were sitting around doing nothing, but perfect if you were up and active.

Dessert time. Bruce had to take Zoe and Chance for a walk, so he was the last one to finish eating.

These three boys have been best friends since they were 9 years old... 50 years now. Left to right - Randy, Bruce and Jerry.

What one didn't think of, the others did. All for one and one for all. Yep, that's our 3 Musketeers. They are true brothers, they will joke and cut up with each other unmercifully, but if there is ever a problem or one of them is in a crisis, the other two will be right there doing whatever it takes to make things right again.

Zoe and Chance are two sweetie pies. They each have their own distinct personalities. Chance is a lover, and Zoe is fun loving. They are well behaved doggies, too.

Heading home. Traffic wasn't so bad today. Usually all 5 lanes are busy.

Cloudy on the coast but sunny inland.

The valley we call home. This is where we both grew up and we are both happy to back in. If it wasn't so hazy you could see the rest of the mountains off in the distance.

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