Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Before Pictures

Today was a busy day for us. We didn't get anything done that we planned to in the yards or the homeoffice. We ran errands and then drove around being looky-loos at houses so that I could have some motivation and inspiration on getting our yards in shape. We did buy Jerry a new desk and chair for the office, so that is one step in progress. They will be delivered on Friday morning, which means I have got to get to work on the office the rest of this week. I have boxes to unpack and furniture to arrange - still.

Yes, this is the final room to unpack. I have been dragging my feet on getting it done, but two weeks ago our 101 degree temperatures reminded me that once the summer heat is settled in, I will not want to be in a disorganized room. Something about having your house nice and neat when it is simmering outside keeps the inside so much cooler.

Last week we were occupied with some heavy decision making which I will share in another blog. This blog is about the befores -- before the yards become beautiful and before our bodies are healthy again.

Because it takes me longer to get things accomplished right now, I have been slowly getting the house the way I want it. When we first unloaded the moving truck we were literally floor to ceiling boxes and furniture with only a path to walk from the front door to the bathroom, bedroom and kitchen. Poor Jerry had only the bed to sit on for the first week we were here, and then a chair in the bedroom for the next few weeks while I moved boxes and furniture around, ever so slowly unpacking box by box until we finally found the floor. It took me a full two months to get to the point that I could start becoming organized somewhat as I chipped away bit by bit. Since I love books and reading so much, we honestly had 500 boxes of books alone. Yup, that is no joke. Jerry, not being the lover of books like me, could not understand how a person could treasure so many of those things. He kept pointing to the large dumpster sitting at the end of the private drive we live on. It's a good thing he was very happy to leave me in charge of all the unpacking, I am sure I would be wondering where half my stuff disappeared to by now.

I will share the pictures of the "before" rooms in other posts. Right now I want to share the before pictures of the yards as that is our current project. These three pictures were actually taken in March when we mowed the grass and weedwacked weeds that were as tall as 3+ feet. Poor Honey, I would let her out the back door to go potty and she would look at me with that look of "it's a jungle out there and you want me to get lost in it?". She was so happy when the weeds were finally chopped down. Right now the yards are brown, we have been debating about digging the yards completely up and resodding, or using weed and feed and grass seed. Since money is a big issue, I am sure the grass seed option will win. We do have a gopher, or a city of gophers that have made the ground uneven and full of holes.

Here are the front and back yard photos. Yes, the house needs to be restuccoed and painted, another thing to be done. Yes that is Jerry working on the weed wacker on the back patio. My parent's house is the grey two story next door to my house, that is the house I grew up in.

We have lots of ideas for the flower beds and patio.

The next batch of photos are of Jerry and I - our before-losing-weight photos. Actually the first two are from a few years ago, before we put on all our weight, and then they will be followed by our present photos --- I will hide my head in shame. I never wanted to be that fat lady. I am thinking if I put these pictures out there for everyone to see, it will be the motivation I need to stay on track.

The first picture is of Jerry. Ok, yes, he was already putting on the weight, but that is what happens when you drive longhaul 10 hours a day and stop at buffets across the country. He is with his sister, Ruth Ann. She passed away in January of 2007 from cancer.

The next picture is of my mom and I in her backyard about 5 years ago. My goal is to look as beautiful as my mom does when I am her age... and to be as active as she is too. She dug the flower gardens up all by herself. She is 72 years old now.

This picture is of Jerry and I at our engagement announcing party, January 2007.

This picture is us at our wedding. My, oh, my -- I really do not need that wedding cake. I can not believe how fat I am. All of my life I have adored Jerry, I am very lucky indeed to have him love me with how out of shape and unhealthy I am. My very handsome husband is behind me.

This final picture is the day after our wedding. All the kids but Kyle and Bonnie and her family had already left to go back home. Kyle is my youngest, he is in the green shirt. Next is Jerry, then me, then Bonnie, her husband Adam and in front is their son Christopher, my grandson who can not be 11 already - where does the time go? This picture was taken at my father-in-laws mobile home park June 2007.

As you can tell, there is much work to be done in the yards of our house and on our health.

And yes, Bonnie, I am wearing my pedometer. I am up to 5000 steps a day now.

Now to work on those "after" pictures!!! I always seem to do best when I am challenged, and I am definitely challenged.

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