Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Big Weed Bush

This morning we began working on the backyard and the first item to go was the Big Weed Bush. Now this weed had gotten so tall that it had to lay down on it's side. It must've been 5 feet tall. Jerry argued with me when I told him that today was the day he had to remove it. "But Honey," he said, "It has the prettiest tiny purple flowers on it. Surely you don't want me to get a shovel and dig it up!" You betcha I do.

I had to laugh though. It reminded me of a cute little note Bonnie had put on our refrigerator when she was in high school. We lived in Iowa then and she had received a Winnie-the-Pooh desk calendar as a Christmas gift. Each day was a 3 by 5 picture depicting one of the Pooh characters with the date and a cute little saying. She tore off the day that Eeyore was sitting among the weeds and sadly saying "Weeds are flowers too". I kept that on the fridge forever, even put it on the fridge after moving back to San Diego.

But this thing was beyond cute. The roots were huge and probably reached China. I watered the roots for two days hoping to soften the ground up so Jerry did not have such a hard job digging them up. I even took pity on him and told him all he had to do for me was dig that weed bush up and I wouldn't ask him to do anymore yard work today. I had visions of him sweating and groaning all morning, shoveling and chopping on that root.

Surprise! Because I had soften the ground for him, it came up in one shoveling attempt. Jerry proudly walked over to the patio and sat down and said "I'm done". So I tugged the big weed bush over to him and asked him if he would cut it up so it could fit in the trash can. He obliged.

While he did that, I worked on the flower bed under the office window.

Because we have been concentrating on the inside of the house, it is sad to say the yards have suffered. I knew the ground would be like hard rock, so I also watered this flower bed for two days. The weeds came up very easy and fast. And another surprise, because I had started watering, what I thought was dead plants have started to come back to life and are greening up. So I left those in the bed. Another morning I will go out and and dig up the plants and reposition them in the bed so they look nicer.

Jerry got into this yard work thing and even mowed the tall grass that was growing along the fence between our yard and my parent's. Boy does it look better now. Except for the yellow grass. We will be weeding and feeding that tomorrow morning and then watering the grass. After a few times of watering, the grass should come back nice and green. That green mass of stuff in the corner is the cactus garden which is coming out. There is also an old grapevine that grows along this fence. It will be coming out too. My son Jeff tasted them once and said they were bitter. My parent's property used to be vineyards 60 or 70 years ago, I don't know if this was an old one that was still around when they moved the houses onto the property or if it was planted by another tenant. I will have to ask sometime.

Eventually our goal is for our backyard to look as nice as my mom's. She has done all the work herself. Her yard will be another blog soon.

Honey had a blast outside with us this morning. At one point we had gone out the back gate and were talking to Mom and Dad, we forgot to close the gate after us and Honey had a chance to go into my parent's backyard and follow the trail of those cats she keeps barking at from our yard.

By the time we were done this morning in the yards and came inside, Honey was covered in those goathead burs. Jerry put her on his lap and started to pull them out one by one. She must of had a hundred on her. After I took this picture, I started pulling them out at the other end of her. She laid there on Jerry's tummy so contently. She even closed her eyes. I bet she was glad to get those things off of her.

It has been a beautiful day here in San Diego County today. I have all the windows in the house open still and it is almost 5 p.m. After a lunch of tuna sandwiches and carrot sticks, our friend Bruce came over and visited for a couple of hours. I let the guys alone in the living room to talk politics and I did some filing in the office. They decided Bruce and his wife and us are all meeting at a Mexican food restaurant for dinner at 6 p.m.. I love Mexican food. I hear tacos are not that fattening, guess I can have two!!

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