Monday, May 4, 2009

I Finally Did It

I have finally taken the big step into writing my own blog. I love reading the blogs out there in blogland about homemaking, baking, sewing, being a Christian wife and mom. Okay, just plain being nosey about other people's everyday lives, I admit it. And now, finally, here is my own online journal.

So where do I start?

I am married to the man of my dreams, literally. He is 11 years older than me and our families attended the same church all my growing up years. I admired him from a distance all those years and finally in 2006 he asked me if it would be okay if he called me to go out to dinner sometime. I about fell over, of course I said yes, and look at us now. Married since June of 2007.

For the past two years he took care of his dad, and after we were married I moved in with them. His dad passed away in May of 2008, we miss him, he was a wonderful, strong, Christian man. But we also know he is in Heaven.

In November of 2008, we moved back into the house that I lived in when I was 4. My parents live next door, my dad owns my house. We have a lot of work to do on the house - yards, inside, everything. It is slow going as I am still recovering from a back injury. Oh, but I love this house. So many plans, goals, ideas -- so little money. Sigh.

This blog will be about our everyday life so our kids that live far away from us can see what we are up too (Love you guys! Miss you tons!!). You will be witnesses to our progress on this house. It will also be a weightloss journal as both Jerry and I have some poundage to discard. (A friend asked me about buying a muumuu, I told her in my case it would have to be a moomoo!) It will not be a strict diet, we just aren't that disciplined.

As for the inspiration for name of this blog - this is our little Princess. Our little Honey Pie:

I am glad you have joined us as we meander along life's road. I warn you ahead of time, we do alot of stopping and smelling the roses along the way. One thing you learn as you get older, time goes way too fast.


Jennifer said...

Honey is just ssooooooooooo cute. How long have you had her? what breed is she? Dad seems so cute with her too.

Donna said...

Hi Jennifer!!

It was so neat to talk to you on the phone the other day! Honey was born May 5, 2003. I received her as a birthday present on July 5, 2003. She is a Cocker Spaniel and she is the best dog ever for me. I am terribly afraid of big dogs and she is so tiny - she has the best temperment, too. She is so loved. Your Dad and I love you! Hi to David - we love him too!