Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Needed: Motivation

I spent the day setting up some notebooks to record mine and Jerry's weightloss journey in. I made each of us an exercise journal to record the date, time and activity we do, plus the number of repetitions if applicable. Then I made a food journal for each of us to keep track of what we eat, how much of and the size of portions, the amount of calories, fat grams, sodium and carbohydrates for each day (Jerry is a diabetic). I also set up a personal journal for me to keep as a diary.

Since I am a pack rat, I have a ton of weight loss and fitness magazines dating back to 10 years ago. I don't know about you, but I am more motivated when I visually see someone exercising or a healthy meal in a pretty setting. If the picture is of someone having a walk around a lake, I feel like going for a walk. If the picture is of some yummy, nutritious food, I tend to eat lighter. My goal is to read a little everyday in a fitness/weightloss magazine. I need the daily inspiration.

I also found some pictures of myself to motivate me along. Granted they are from when I was younger, but it helps to visually picture myself thinner and healthier. I am in my mid 20s in the next two pictures:

This picture reminds me that I can be successful at losing weight, after all, if you look closely in this picture at my feet is a pack of cigarettes and I quit smoking 21 years ago on my birthday this year. I can lose this weight too! That was our dog, Odie. He is the only "big" dog I have not been afraid of. We got him when he was a 6 week old puppy, that was 25 years ago.

And as a reminder of all the fun I am missing because I am too fat and out of shape to even walk through the mall, here is a picture of me 3-wheeling. Oh, how I miss being able to just work in the yard without pain and exhaustion. I am determined to work at it and get to the point that I feel young again.

And finally, a picture of where I am today, well, add about 50 pounds to me in this picture. This picture was taken in 2006 when Jerry and I were first dating. He is about the same today as he was then. It is a good reminder of all the years we want to be together doing the things we can't do right now. All those dreams and goals we dreamed about on the phone when he used to call me 15 times a day just to hear my voice. 90% of losing weight is mental, once you get your mind in gear, the rest becomes easy. I am getting my mind in gear, I've been revving my engines far too long, time to put the thing in gear and hit the gas pedal! Life - here we come!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Oh, I absolutely LOVE this picture of you two. So very thankful that you make one another so happy. Donna, I would LOVE to have an actual picture of this if ever you get a chance. thank you.