Friday, May 29, 2009

Some Days It Is A Zoo Around Here

Today Jerry and 2 of his friends took off for the day to Yuma, Arizona. That means I had the whole day to myself to get a whole bunch of stuff done that I can do faster and better when no one is in the house but me. No inturruptions, I told my sweet husband as he walked out the door, I will have my whole list done by the time he got home.

And what do you think I got done???

If you guessed nothing, you win!

Remember yesterday's post about what is your time gobbler?? Today mine was everything. I had to type a letter on Jerry's computer since his is the one hooked up to the printer. His keyboard drives both of us wacky. It seems if you accidentally hit some odd key when you have your letter almost completely typed it deletes the whole letter. Gone. Poof. Into thin air forever. Never to be found again. Now his keyboard will not do that if you accidentally hit the same key when you have only one word typed so far on the letter..... Times that frustration by 2. Yup, you got it. Finally on the fourth attempt the letter was able to be printed.

And then I had a couple of phone calls I really was happy to receive and really enjoyed our conversations. Add to that some fun visiting time with my parents. Another 3 hours gone.

Next add a two hour lunch break with my youngest son who took me for Mexican food. Yummy! Had a fabulous lunch and visiting time with him.

Finally the bug lady came to spray for ants and spiders (I have already found 3 black widows in the house. Last Friday I almost put my hand right on one. I made the man of the house come and squish it).

So I called dear hubby up to ask a question and he said they were at the base of the mountains on the desert side starting up. That means I had one and a half hours left before he got home. So much for my day to myself.

I did the only thing left I could do. I sat down and enjoyed the peace and quiet until he got home. I love you honey and really did miss you today!

These pictures were taken in 2006. The bottom picture are of two of my grandkids, Miranda and David.

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