Thursday, May 28, 2009

What Is Your Time Gobbler?

You know how yesterday I was saying I am happy to have the views of the oceans and San Diego County but there were times I wish I could live in the Midwest and the West Coast at the same time? Well, today I woke up yearning for the Midwest. Or, actually, living on a farm. So I visited some blogs earlier today from women who live on small farms. Oh how I love the pictures they post and the stories of farm life! I admire these women with all the chores they must get done each day.

Today I am posting pictures of the Amish country in Black Hawk County, Iowa, taken when I lived in there. These are the only "country" pictures I have on my computer right now.

Obviously these pictures were taken in the fall. When I look at them I can just smell homemade bread baking and feel the snuggly warmth of a handmade quilt. Lately it seems I do not have enough hours in the day to get the things accomplished that I want to. Why is that? I have no children underfoot anymore, that alone should add hours of free time to my days. Is it because I have not been organized and making lists every morning like I used to? I really need my lists to check off each day. My lists keep me on track, make me feel like I am productive and that I have accomplished something everytime I cross another completed task off.

With each new modern invention we acquire that is supposed to make our lives easier, how come we still feel like we are running around without enough hours in the day? For some people it is because they have jobs outside their homes. For others it is because they can't say "no" when asked to head up committees or volunteer time. And for others precious time is taken up because they can't turn off the tv or get up from the computer. I don't have the tv problem, but admit that I would go crazy if I didn't have my computer.

When I reflect on all the chores our female ancestors accomplished within the same amount of daylight hours that we have today... I am ashamed at my lack of energy and motivation that seems to have become my way of life lately.

I love being a woman. My desire is to be the wife that God wants me to be for my husband. I am not into women's lib, or on the opposite end of that scale, I am not into being a slave either. But I do want to serve my husband as God wants me to. I do believe the Bible is the best blueprint for a happy and fulfilling life.

In Proverbs 24:30-34, it says (I am reading from The Everyday Bible translation here):

v 30: I passed by a lazy person's field. I went by the vineyard of a man who had no sense.

v 31: Thorns had grown up everywhere. The ground was covered with weeds. And the stone walls had fallen down.

v 32: I thought about what I had seen. I learned this lesson from what I saw.

v 33: You sleep a little; you take a nap. You fold your hands and rest.

v 34: Soon you will be poor, as if you had been robbed. You will have as little as if you had been held up.

How true this is when we let laziness, lack of motivation or energy sap even more energy out of us. Have you noticed that when we are idle it becomes harder and harder to get up and get things done?
In Proverbs 6:6-11 it says:

v 6: Go watch the ants, you lazy person. Watch what they do and be wise.

v 7: Ants have no commander. They have no leader or ruler.

v 8: But they store up food in the summer. They gather their supplies at harvest.

v 9: How long will you lie there, you lazy person? When will you get up from sleeping?

v10: You sleep a little; you take a nap. You fold your hands and rest.

v 11: So you will be as poor as if you had been robbed. You will have as little as if you had been held up.

If we are on the computer all day, or spending our day in front of the tv, or volunteering at some organization that takes us away from our family every free moment -- who is keeping our homes? Who is watching our children? Who is weeding our garden?

I realize that some families need both parents/spouses working just to make ends meet. Some families have decided to give up one job and live on a tighter budget. Others have the financial freedom not to worry about both spouses working. We all have our own personal situations that we have to work around. The question is - are you spending your time wisely everyday? Or are you idly letting life pass you by?

Personally, I need to start making myself answer to my lists again. When I get up in the morning I start my day with my devotions and prayer time before my husband is awake. This is my quiet time with the Lord. I need this time to face my day. This is the time I put on the Armor of God to shield me against whatever gets thrown at me through the daylight hours.

My next important morning step I am going to start doing again - make my plan for the day. Organize my day. Write up my lists of have-to-do's and a list of my want-to-do's. The have-to-do's will get done everyday. The want-to-do's - well, if I get one or two done a day that will just be icing on the cake.

When I stand before my Lord and Savior, I want Him to look at me and say:

"His master replied, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your Master's happiness!" (Matthew 25:21 New International Version)

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