Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hungry Yet?

Today I have been reading up on nutrition, diabetes, irregular heartbeat, weightloss, exercise and menu planning. Alot of pieces of information to sift through. There is so much information out there in cyberland and also in books that I have here in the house. Some I have checked out of the library and some I have bought. The ones I have bought, of course, are up to 100 years old. Yes, I do own a weightloss book with calorie counts and food exchanges from the turn of the century. What is that saying? -- 'everything old is new again'.

I have been toying with the idea of adding another blog along with this one. The new one I will use to record our daily food/calories, exercises we accomplish each day and tidbits on homemaking, beauty and other interests of mine and many other woman out there. I will keep this blog for our journal of our daily life. Yesterday I took these pictures of our lunch meal. I couldn't decide which pictures I liked better to post on the blog... the table set for the meal, an upclose of the whole meal, or an upclose of just the plate of food. I am hoping to start the blog in another week, so I was playing with the meal pictures trying to decide which type I would use to post with our daily food/calories.

We eat our big meal at lunchtime for a couple of reasons. Although it has not been proven scientifically, I feel like I burn more calories off the big meal if I have more daylight hours to run them off in. The second reason is if I have a large meal anytime after 5 p.m., I am awake all night with indigestion. Something that only started when I got excessively overweight. It works better for me to just eat something light at the end of the day. Besides, by 4 p.m. I am done and exhausted for the day and making a big meal with a ton of dishes to wash and dry before I go to bed is not exactly fun in my book.

Yesterday's lunch was fish sprinkled with Old Bay Seasoning and then baked. Boiled potatoes garnished with butter and parsley flakes, asparagus with butter and I simmered one medium sliced red pepper and 2 nectarines in about 1/4 inch of water in a frying pan. Next time I will cut the red pepper up into smaller pieces and add the nectarine just before taking the pan off the heat. Jerry liked the meal. The butter we use is the new half butter - half canola oil spread - it has half the calories of regular butter, I use the Land 'O Lakes brand. It is so light and whipped just enough that you do not need a lot to spread on your bread or other food. We drank raspberry Crystal Lite yesterday. We usually drink Kool-aide made with splenda and I think we will be sticking to the Kool-aide as it has more taste -- at least that is the opinion of my taste buds. Jerry liked the Crystal Lite. We drink milk with our breakfast and supper. I love milk with ice cubes in it --- nice and cold milk - Yum!

This coming week I will be getting our new lifestyle eating plan worked out. I will be doing a lot of reading and thinking and planning. I am hoping that by going totally online everyday with our weightloss efforts, reporting exactly what we are eating and doing, that it will keep us more responsible and on track. I will begin posting on the new blog site Monday, July 6th - I will give you the new weblink then. Both mine (the 5th) and Jerry's (the 16th) birthdays will be around that date, so it will be really appropriate to start our new 'year' of life heading in the right direction of health! Won't you join us?!

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