Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I Paid The Hospital A Visit

1930s modern hospital room

I am sorry I missed a couple of days writing on the blog. I was in the hospital with symptoms that mocked a TIA. Praise God, it wasn't. But now I do have a photo imagery of my brain and the doctor's say it is perfectly normal.... so there you go children of mine - it is confirmed - your mother has a normal brain!!

Saturday I experienced high blood pressure, nausea and dizziness all day. I also had an episode that when I was walking into the kitchen, my hearing completely shut down, my head felt like it all of a sudden became stuffed and was ready to pop and I had some disorientation. No headache though. Within a minute, at the longest, my ears suddenly popped like they do when you come out of a mountain pass. After 2 days in the hospital and numerous heart and head scans, the only conclusion is it probably was something called a stone in my ears that shook loose and caused the dizziness. That and my heart rhythm is still very irregular so the doctor has now put me on a second heart medication along with another new beta blocker in a higher dose.

I was advised to try and have a stress free life. Hmmmmm. As soon as I got home, we turned around and took Jerry to the VA emergency room because he had an abscess come up between his bottom gum and lip that was swelling. They gave him some Tylenol #3, antibiotics and Lidocain to numb the area and told him as soon as the infection goes down for him to see his dentist. That wasn't so stressful as the doctors and nurses at the VA hospital have always been really good to us.

The stressful part came when we got home about 1130 at night and Jerry informed me he had lost the tv remote in the bedroom somewhere and was totally lost without his nighttime tv while I spent two nights in the hospital and could I please find it for him??? So at 1130 at night, super tired, and fatigued, I was pulling the bed completely apart, and the mattresses off the boxsprings and away from the wall muttering loud enough for Jerry to hear over and over "And Donna, you need to make sure you avoid any unnecessary stress while we work with getting your heartbeat into a normal rhythm". I love my husband, but I do not know how he manages to do these kinds of things only when I am gone. I spent the weekend with my daughter in January and came home to the same lost remote problem. I asked him how he ever managed to function without me all these years.... he didn't, he just existed, that's all.

It is good to be home. Thank you to my nursing staff and doctors for taking such good care of me. I feel like a young child again, eager for life. I have a second lease on life. Thank you, God!!!

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