Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm Not Speaking To You Now

Today was the day to renew the Advantage on Honey. We only do it because we love her and want her to be comfortable. Being bit by a ton of fleas would not be a pleasant experience, at least not for me. You would think she would be happy to be flea free. But every month it is the same old routine. Today she was laying like a princess in the middle of the floor, taking an early afternoon snooze. She opened her eyes and watched me get the box of Advantage out of the hall closet. With one eye warily on me she watched me walk down the hall and into the office where she was oh, so comfortable. As soon as she heard the foil packaging make that crinkling sound, her head shot up and once confirmed it was the dreaded anti-flea medication she quickly ran and hid. I let her be for a couple of hours and when she seemed to have forgotten the chore to be done, I gently picked her up and gave her some loving and took her into to Jerry. He held her while I applied the drops needed. Then we loved her up and I took a couple of pictures to show her sad little face. As soon as I walked out of the room she jumped off Jerry and hid under his chair and no amount of coaxing will bring her out. She is giving us the evil eye now.

Oh, but Honey, you will forgive us by tonight. You always do. We love you pretty girl!

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