Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Are You Ready?

The news media and lots of folks have been really abuzzing about the recent passing of Michael Jackson. No matter what your opinion of him was, it was a sudden death at a young age. Kind of food for thought, isn't it? The Bible tells us that none of us know how long we have here on earth. We do know that time is like a blink of an eye to God.

The one thing we are certain of in life is that someday we, too, will stand in front of God, never to return to earth. The number one thing we must do in our life is to be prepared for that hour. Do you have a personal relationship with Christ? Have you accepted Christ as the Son of God? Have you asked Him into your heart to change your life, to be your Saviour? That is all that is needed. Believe who He is, ask for forgiveness for the things you have done wrong, accept Him into your heart and life, and then confess Him with your mouth and by your actions to those you meet through life from now on.

The Bible clearly tells us that we won't make it into Heaven by doing good works. The only thing that will get us into Heaven is believing and accepting Christ as the Son of God. That is it. Very simple. Asking Him to come into your heart. That is not complicated in the least bit, a few simple and meaningful words spoken from your heart. Believe in your heart, ask Him into your life, ask Him to change you into what He wants you to be.

Once we have asked Christ into our lives, then we have the desire to change all the wrong things we are doing. Sometimes it might take years before we feel like we finally are getting it right, but as long as we continue to make the effort to do as God wants us to do, we are on the right road. When we become a Christian, someone who believes and trusts in Christ, the Holy Spirit helps us through our life to change, to live the life that God wants for us.

Loving your fellow mankind is an honorable mission. God even tells us that is what we are to do. Simply loving your fellow mankind but denying or ignoring who Christ is - that is not going to win you a place in Heaven. Acknowledging Christ is the key to eternity with Him.

Having a deep appreciation and respect for nature is also a good thing. God created it all for us to enjoy. We need to keep care of the earth, that is part of being a good steward. A steward is someone who manages the affairs or property of another. God created the earth and He placed us on it to keep care of it. But just having a fondness for nature is not going to get you into Heaven. You have to ask Christ to come into your heart, that is all you need to do to get to Heaven.

Sitting by the ocean and clearing your mind to meditate only on good, peaceful thoughts is a good way to relieve stress from your life. The only peaceful thought that is going to get you into Heaven, though, is knowing Christ as the Master of your heart, mind, body and soul. The Bible tells us to meditate on the words of God that He has given us in the Bible. We are to think about them and contemplate them all our waking hours. It is good to sit peacefully and reflect and meditate on various Biblical verses, the Holy Spirit will give you an understanding that only comes from knowing Christ personally. Without Him in your heart and soul, meditation alone will not save you.

Volunteering to humble yourself by serving the homeless on holidays is a great way to put others before yourself. But just being a giving person is not going to assure you eternity in Heaven. God tells us to love one another, to help the less fortunate, to give of our time and talents to those in need. But this alone is not going to save you. You must ask Christ into your heart.

You must acknowledge that He is the only Son of God. That God chose Mary, who was a virgin, to give birth to Jesus. That Jesus walked through His life here on earth never sinning. That the third day after He publically died on the cross He left the sealed tomb the soilders had laid his lifeless body in -- alive, flesh and blood. He ate food with the disciples, He appeared to over 500 people who talked with Him, touched His arm and knew that He was alive. That He now sits on the right hand side of God and that someday, either very soon or in the distant future, He will return to earth and claim all those that have believed and trusted these things about Him.

I want to be in Heaven for sure. For sure I will be because I asked Christ into my heart years ago as a child. I prayed a simple prayer as a 5 year old child "Dear Jesus, come live in my heart. Forgive me for being bad. I love you Jesus." As I grew older I have had my ups and downs in life. I have made bad decisions at times that I regreted. But I know that I am human and I will make mistakes. Just as our parents love us, with our good and bad points, God loves us. His heart breaks when we make wrong choices, but He is always there to help us pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and move forward in our lives. God will never leave us or turn His back on us once we have accepted the gift of salvation He gave us through His Son, Jesus Christ.

And my simple belief and acceptance of Him is the reason I have all the assurance in the world that when it is my hour to stand in front of God when I pass from this earthly life to eternity, I know I will enter Heaven then.

How about you? Do you have that assurance for yourself, too?

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