Monday, July 6, 2009

The First Day of My New Year


This morning I had a conversation with Kyle about not being happy with the direction of one’s present  life.  Seems he and Ashley are feeling too old, around 30ish, when they are only 20 years old.  Wait a minute…..    that is how I have been feeling… too old for my age.  A few years ago my mind would not accept that I was 45 years old, I kept thinking I was still in my 20s.  I was mature, but did not see myself as my real age.  But now, I feel like I am 80 instead of 49.  I am moving slow, my joints are creaking and groaning like an old, rusty hinge and I have absolutely no energy… and I can’t blame all that on my new meds.  I used to always spend time on my hair and makeup and use creams and body lotions.  Now I do nothing, I haven’t even painted my nails in ions.

It is time for some serious changing in my life.  I mentioned last week about starting another blog, well today is the day I said I would start it. On the new blog I will post our daily menus; recipes; homemaking ideas and tips; and beauty tips.  I love being a female and feeling like a pampered princess.  I will also post our monthly weight loss progress.  I am hoping that being brutally open and honest about what we are eating and what we are doing for exercise will keep us more on task because we have not been working on it at all.  We just keep expanding instead of deflating.

This blog here will be our daily journal of what we are doing and my thoughts, etc.    

Today we stayed home.  Jerry worked on a client file.  I cleaned house and organized my thoughts for the new blog.  I also talked to my daughter Bonnie in Minneapolis.  She is running a 5K this Saturday.  Both my daughters inspire me to get serious about getting healthy.  Kym and I spent time looking at her photo albums at her house on Saturday and mine here yesterday when she and the kids came down to visit me for my birthday.  She looks incredible with the weight she has lost.  Me --- I have steadily gotten bigger.  Oh! The shame of it.

Time to quit wallowing in the pity pool and do something about it. 

Here is the link to my new blog site:

I love the ocean and tropical scenes.  They put me in the frame of mind to get active.  The picture below is of the marina at Shelter Island here in San Diego. 


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