Sunday, July 5, 2009

How We Spent the 4th of July 2009

Yesterday we went to my daughter Kym's to celebrate the 4th of July. As always, we had a really fun time. I love the area of San Diego County that she lives in... rolling hills and tall mountains, a short drive from the ocean and a few blocks from the agricultural areas in North County.

At noon we went to her church's annual 4th of July barbeque picnic. That is Kym and her husband Mike standing by Jerry and I. Mike is the leader in their church's men's group.

What do you have in that container David?

My grandson, David is not afraid of anything that creeps or crawls. He wasn't too happy when his mom said he couldn't bring this new pet home. There was no where to keep it at home.

My granddaughter, Miranda, and her friend Rachel. It wasn't so long ago that these two young ladies were only 2 years old running around in their frilly little toddler dresses together.

It was a really nice day for a picnic. There was a nice ocean breeze blowing in. The tables were set up under the trees and we had plenty of shade. Good food. Good company. Good conversation. The youth group elected to sit in the playground - away from us old people! Wasn't it just yesterday that we were in that group too?!

Kym with her guitar. In the morning she had gotten up and figured out how to play the National Anthem without having any musical notes to guide her. Kym has always loved music. She had her own band once when she was in her early 20s - before marriage and kids. We all remember our before marriage and kids days, don't we?!

Ummmmmm -- this cake was yummy, even if the icing did leave David with a blue tongue!

Kym's church has a nice size youth group. It is always so wonderful to see young people on fire for the Lord. Most of these kids here have been homeschooled. They are great bunch.

Back to Kym's house about 4:30 p.m. Mike and Jerry both took naps and the kids played quietly while Kym and I had a good time visiting. I love going to Kym's house, I always come back to my own feeling refreshed.

In the evening, about 6:30 p.m., Kym and I made up the fixings for kabobs.

Kym and Mike are both good cooks. We had kabobs, corn on the cob, pear cake and fresh lemonade.

On the kabobs there was shrimp, pork, or chicken; red, yellow and green peppers; onions; pineapple; Mexican squash; roasted garlic and grape tomatoes.

Mike and the kids grilled them for us and they were done to perfection. So delicious!

David is 4 years old and he has never been able to sit through the fireworks without his daddy taking him indoors. This year, he informed us, he was a big boy and could sit through them. He was telling Grandpa Jerry he was a little nervous, though.

Kym and the kids had fun with some small pop rocks before the real show began! I've been trying to upload the videos Kym took of the fireworks all day and they are sooooooo slow. I will try again to upload them tomorrow.

And guess who is celebrating the 29th anniversary of her 20th birthday today? Yep, that is me in the photo above when I was 11 months old. Seems like it was just yesterday doesn't it?!!

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