Friday, July 24, 2009

The Dog Days Of Summer

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It has been hot here.  We live in the valley east of San Diego City, just before the mountain range you head over to get to the desert.  In the winter time we typically run about 10 degrees cooler than San Diego city temperature, but in the summer… it can be as much as 25 degrees warmer here in the East County. 

These past 10 days have been between 100 and 110 degrees.  Poor Honey.  For some reason she thinks under the piano is the coolest spot in the house.  You can’t see it in the top picture, but in the bottom one you can…. when she lays under the piano, she rests her head on the antique skates I have there.  Like a pillow.  (In the blue suitcase is some of my piano music).

We have been on the go a lot the past 10 days.  Company from out of state visiting. Us going out of town.  Going to birthday parties.  And doctor appointments.

One day we were gone for 2 hours.  When we came back poor Honey had been sick.  Jerry says she just overheated.  We keep the portable swamp cooler going in the living room and I have about 2 fans per room that I keep going 24 hours a day.  But it wasn’t enough that particular day to keep Honey cool.  Jeff said he is going to come over and shave/or trim her soon.  That will be good seeing as August typically is even warmer.

Today it was cloudy when we got up.  There was a cool breeze blowing all day so I didn’t shut the house up and close the shades at all.  The thermometer outside the dining room window said it was about 94 degrees at 2 p.m. 

I am watering the lawns right now (I have my kitchen timer sitting next to me and every 20 minutes I am running out to move the sprinklers to different positions in the front and back yards).  Remember when we were kids on our summer breaks and we would run through the water sprinklers on those hot summer evenings?  Don’t you wish you were a kid again?  I am getting my legs wet when I move the hoses, it sure feels good!!!  No complaints here.

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