Sunday, July 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Kym and Jeff


Two of my babies had their birthdays this week.  I didn’t get Kym’s posted on her special day on Tuesday, I am sorry!!!  Please forgive me, Kym!  So I am posting her and Jeff’s pictures together on Jeff’s birthday today.  Which is kind of natural seeing as the two of them have been close their whole lives!  Kym is 3 years and 5 days older than Jeff.  I hope you enjoy a stroll back on Memory Lane with me for a few minutes!  I sure enjoyed looking through the photo albums finding pictures for this post.  Where has the time gone???


Kym on her way home from the hospital.  That is me with the long hair and the nurse. 


Kym on her 3rd birthday.  Yes, this is when I could dress her in foo-foo dresses without her complaining!


Kym on her 6th birthday.  Notice she still has a dress on.


Kym 9 years old playing with our dog Odie.


Kym is my tomboy.  She didn’t want to play softball with the girls.  She wanted to play Little League.  She was the first girl to play on the Little League teams in our town.  The first day of practice all the boys groaned when Kym was introduced.  By the end of the season, she was their favorite player and they all adored her.  She is the one with the cool shades on 7 down from the right.


One of the reasons the boys adored her is she taught them all to steal bases.  This picture is of her and a boy she had a crush on from her school named Andy.  He was on the opposing team, and because of Kym’s aggressive baseball skills, her team walloped his team.  They still liked each other anyways.


Kym resting on the three wheeler after a long day of riding. 


Jeff 4 days old.  He was 22 1/2 inches when he was born.  His first word was “orange” – not Dadda or Momma, yes, orange.  I wonder if it was because of the orange in his crib bumper pad???


I made this suit for him when he was 2 years old.  I think he looks so sharp.  We were on our way to church.


Jeff playing Little League.  He wasn’t too enthused about playing ball most of the time.  Jeff was always more into making movies with the video camera with him and his friends staring in them than sports.


At the end of the season party with his friend James.  Jeff is the one in the baseball hat.  He sure looks good in blue, even to this day. 


Ah, the summer fun of getting wet when it is hot outside.  Remember Slip ‘n Slides?  The kids always had a blast on them.


From the hot days of summer, to the cold days of winter!  Oh the joy of being a kid.  I always loved Jeff’s smile and laugh.


How’s this for a pose?  We were camping and he found these remains of a tree.  What a good picture!


Kym has always been a good big sister to her brother Jeff.  He was fussing a little bit while I was trying to clean my bedroom one day and the two of them were on the bed.  Kym mothered him by giving him her baby doll’s bottle. 


Jeff’s first birthday. 


Kym is 4 years old in this picture and Jeff is 20 months old.  Look how much hair he has grown in 8 months since his 1st birthday picture above!


Jeff loved Batman when he was little.  So Christmas of 1982 when he was 3, I made him a Batman cape, ears and armbands for a present.  He wore that Batman outfit each and everyday for a full year.  Kym is in the pink dress (age 6) and Bonnie is 1 year old.


Disneyland!  The kids with Minnie Mouse.  Kym age 9, Jeff 6 and Bonnie 3.


Kym throwing Jeff out with the trash!  I think she is glad we kept him after all!


Kym age 31, Jeff age 28, Me age 47, Bonnie age 25, Kyle age 18

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