Thursday, August 13, 2009

3 Types of Honey


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When I went to the doctor’s back in June she told me I had some pre-cancer spots on my face.  I related this to my friend, Jane, who told me that she had some at one time, also, and a friend of hers had suggested to try putting honey on the spots with a q-tip 2 to 3 times a day.  She did and within a couple of months those spots were gone and have never returned.  That was several years ago. 

So, I put some table honey in a small plastic container with a lid and put it in the bathroom medicine chest.  Then I looked up “honey therapy” in a search online.  The sites I visited said it had to be the non-heated kind of honey to work on the skin cancer.  So I didn’t begin my honey treatments, I figured I would buy the raw honey first.

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I went to the organic store and found the raw honey, at a little steeper price than the regular table honey.  It was funny though, because I looked all through that store for the amber colored honey, the color we are used to honey being.  Finally, I spotted the words ‘raw honey’ on a jar, and lo and behold, this is what real, non-heated, straight-from-bees honey looks like.


Yesterday evening I burned myself really bad on my right index finger while I was making supper.  It hurt excruciatingly bad – it brought tears to my eyes.  I quickly stuck my finger under running cold water and knew instinctively that I would end up with a huge blister.  So much for getting anything done for the next week seeing as I am right handed. 

Just as quickly as I stuck my finger under the cold running water, I remembered reading that honey takes away the pain of burning and will prevent a burn blister.  So I ran to the bathroom and popped the lid off the plastic container of table honey and stuck my finger in it.  Instant relief.  I kept my finger in the honey for about 2 minutes and took my finger out …. immediate horrible burning sensation again.  So I stuck it back in the honey and kept my finger in there for about 20 minutes.

After the 20 minutes, I took my finger out and I have not had even a smidgeon of burn pain since.  My fingertip was really white and I figured I would wake up with a blister anyways this morning…. wrong.  My finger still has a small white mark, but no blister and absolutely no pain or tenderness.

I also read online that honey is a great salve to put on scrapes and other skin lesions.  Dab it on with a q-tip, put a bandaide over it and your cut will heal quicker than if you use store-bought ointments.

It goes to figure, since God’s plan for us humans is perfect, that He would make something in nature that would heal our skin wounds, as He knew we would get here on earth.  Apparently honey has a natural anti-biotic in it that heals cuts much faster and with less scarring than anything man has made in a laboratory. 

Honey is also supposed to take away the sting of insect bites.

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This is my amber colored Honey who gives me so much puppy love.  

She is another natural therapy…. pet owners reportedly have lower blood pressure than non-pet owners.  As my son, Jeff, once said about Honey…. she was better than a girlfriend because she loves him unconditionally, and although she costs a lot of money to pamper and spoil, she never argues with anything he says.

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