Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Training To Be An Athlete

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On our drive this past Saturday, we stumbled upon the Arco U.S.A. Olympic Training Center.  It is set in a beautifully landscaped surrounding.
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Just driving by, I felt in awe of the many people who have come here and their athletic abilities to be training to be on the Olympic teams.  All the years of sacrifice and hard work seemed to ooze out into the air when you see the above entrance gate for the athletes.
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I have never been an athletically coordinated person.  A bench warmer and cheerleader, yes.  I used to exercise and walk everyday just 3 short years ago.  (Why oh why did I stop??)  I loved the feel of my muscles in motion.  Doing toe touches is not the same as jumping hurdles, though.
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When I was in jr. high, we had Girls P.E. and Boys P.E. and never the two mixed.  But when I started high school, our district began co-ed P.E.  I flunked high school gym because I refused to dress out and make a fool of myself in front of those boys. 
The above picture is heading towards the non-athletes entrance, I guess I qualify for that!
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Both of my daughters were the opposite of me.  Kym was very active in Little League and Girls Softball in high school.  Bonnie was on the volleyball team, tennis team and played soccer with the parks and rec department.
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One thing I have always wished I could’ve done all my life was ice skate.  I love watching the ice skating competitions on tv.  To me, ice skating equals grace.  My dad used to call me “Grace” during my teen years, – because I was so much the opposite of that name!!
When Jerry was younger he loved to play baseball and was very actively involved in the game some way or another up until he was about 42.  He would love to get on a senior team now.
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One of the things Jerry and I will be buying is a Wii game unit.  We both need to exercise very desperately bad.  We both are so out of shape - so sadly so.  A friend of mine mentioned that she and her husband played the Wii bowling game at her sister-in-laws and it gave them a good workout, plus she had a ton of fun.  So Jerry and I got to talking and decided to buy one ourselves.  We figure we can start with the cartoon sport package that comes with the unit and work our way up to the harder ‘virtual’ type games and finally hit real life playing tennis, bowling, golf, and so many other sports.  Yes, I guess as you age you don’t really care so much what the boys think anymore! 
The Wii will be our baby steps into getting our muscles working again, plus we will be in the comfort of our own home and no one can laugh at us but ourselves as we bounce off the walls like two overblown rubber balls!  Just as long as we don’t let go of the controller (wand) and send it flying through the tv or picture window! 
Yesterday while at Fry’s we scoped out the wall of Wii games.  I found one that you can pretend to ice skate with.  What???  Wow!!!  Yes, I want that one.  The same friend that told me about playing the Wii games also took up ballet in mid life.  She is an inspiration to me.  Ballet is another thing that would be fun to learn. 
Jerry wants the “Big” league baseball one. 
Together we would also like to learn ballroom dancing.  We both grew up Southern Baptists and Southern Baptists do not dance.  Well, at least we were told we weren’t supposed to.  Jerry snuck off to dances as a teenager all the time, and I was allowed to go to my prom.  But, remember, graceful I am not.  Still, I think it would be fun to learn the foxtrot and other dances.  It would be a blast to learn swing dancing, too.
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Do I feel a second youth coming upon us??  I sure hope so!
I know we will be sore at first, but I am actually craving getting my body moving again. 
We hooked up our new air conditioner this morning and it kept the house nice all day.  Not chilly as it is not centrally pumped into each room, but nice and comfortable.  Our thermometer outside the dining room window on the north of side of the house said it was 92 degrees about 2 p.m. 

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