Monday, August 3, 2009

Visitors from Utah

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I can’t believe it has already been two weeks since (left to right) Christina, Jennifer and Linsey came down from Utah to visit us!  Where has the time gone? 

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These are Jerry’s two daughters and granddaughter.  We love them immensely.  We had such a fun time!!  We spent the day at Oceanside Harbor because it was just too stinking hot in El Cajon that day.  The beach was cool, even though my daughter, Kym, who lives in near Oceanside thought it was hot there!!  Oh, but it wasn’t to us.  80 degrees feels nice with an ocean breeze blowing on you, while 107 degrees with humidity never feels cool!

I didn’t get any pictures taken while we were at the beach and I truly regret that.  I left my camera in the car and it was too much a of a pain to walk back and get it. 

Kym and my two grandkids, Miranda and David, and Miranda’s friend Aleyna, went to the beach with us.  So that made 9 of us.

We brought fixin’s for hoagie sandwiches – turkey and ham lunchmeat; French rolls; Klausin sandwich pickles; mayo; American, Swiss and cheddar cheese slices; baby carrots; bananas; green and red grapes; several different varieties of Mott’s individual applesauce containers; root beer and orange sodas; salt and pepper potato chips; jalepeno potato chips; and salt and vinegar potato chips.

Jerry and I sat under the shade of the shelter our picnic table was at while everyone else got in the water.  I was afraid Jennifer was getting a little too pink, even with sunscreen on, around 2 p.m., so she came and sat with us in the shade.  She is fair like me, all the others have the blessed ability to tan even with sunscreen on. 

While the kids were all in the water, Jerry and I met two couples we enjoyed talking to.  One couple had immigrated here from Russia 25 years ago to escape the socialist government over there.  What an eye opener from two people who knew what it was like to live in that environment to tell us that with all the things going on in our government here now, it looks to be getting the same as what they ran from years ago.  I don’t want to make this a political blog, but I do have to state right here and now – I am very alarmed myself with what is going on.  We Christians, and even non-Christian, conservatives who are paying attention to what is happening in our country need to make our voices heard and loudly.  If we don’t right now, we will have a much bigger giant to fight.

After they left, we had another couple come and sit near us who inspired me so much.  Very strong Christians also, in their mid 70s, who are very active for their age.  When I am that age, I, too, want to be able to ride a bike around town with no physical problems.    

Kym had to leave at 3 to get to a doctor’s appointment.  As always, I was sad to see her and the kids go.  (They came to visit us on Wednesday this past week, so it was great to see them again!).

The rest of us left the beach about 6 p.m. and we went to a nice little restaurant that Jerry and I have taken Miranda and David to every time we babysit them.  Jennifer, Christina and Linsey liked it.  We had yummy food, great conversation and the waitress took our picture for us!

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And it was really sad when we had to part and say goodbye.  If we don’t get to see them again at Christmas, it may be another year before we are able to see them again.  They drove north to San Bernardino County where they were visiting their mom and we headed south to El Cajon about 730 p.m.

They are now safely back home in Utah.  Jennifer is back home with her husband and has returned to work.  Christina and Linsey are back at their home and Linsey is already in school again (she has year round school).  We are hoping that maybe we can drive up before next summer to see them.


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