Friday, October 9, 2009

I am back

Hello everyone:

I am just now getting back online after a long absence. It's been a busy past month or so and still not done being busy yet.

We have been out of town and back home. Sick with flu-like symptoms (thankfully not seriously as some people have been). And now we are busy getting ready for out-of-town company that is arriving at the beginning of this coming week.

It will probably be another week before I have time to write on the blog again. I just wanted to let my readers know that I did not give up on the blog or disappear from sight!

Our temperatures here have turned nice finally. We were at 107 degrees for several weeks. Now we are at around the mid 70s. I know so many others have had rain and more rain and now are receiving snow! You can send some of that rain our way, we sure could use it.

My daughter Bonnie and my grandson Chris will be our out of town visitors next week. They live in Minneapolis. Bonnie came out last January for a weekend because she just could not take the snow and cold a minute longer. It was 80 degrees while she visited that weekend. Guess what? Tomorrow she is supposed to be getting snow, and the weather is predicting snow several days next week in Minneapolis while she is here in sunny Southern California!! We have a lot of plans so we will be on the go alot. I will write about our adventures after she heads back to her home in cold country (oh, how I miss living in the Midwest, fall is one of the seasons I miss it the most).

Boo hoo... it makes me sad already to think of her having to leave again. Isn't that silly and she isn't even here yet! Mothers!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Weather update from Minnesota: We received an inch of snow last night. Temperatures were in the 40's all day so the snow melted. Now I am wishing we could stay in Calfornia longer. When we are out there and you can't find me, look outside, I will be in the sun! Can't wait to see you guys.