Monday, November 23, 2009

Bedroom Window and Pantry Shelves

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This weekend I spent one entire day pulling everything out of the glass doored pantry and the bookshelf I store food on in the laundry.  I washed the shelves down with bleach and then organized all the food into groups, such as vegetables, fruit, rice, soups, canned meats, jams, condiments, etc. 

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I put all the boxed goods into ziploc-type plastic gallon baggies (as a precaution against bugs… a deep fear of mine!  I remember my grandma showing me weevils in her flour when I was little – it has been a fear of mine since!)

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I also wrote down everything we have on hand so that when I make menus I know exactly what I have and how much of it.  We were recently blessed with a neighbor giving us bags and bags of canned and boxed food that her husband had overbought on.  Yes, that is why we have so many cans of tomato sauce!

Tomorrow my goal is to do the pantry shelves in the kitchen where I keep all our baking goods.

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Today Dad and Paul worked on the windows in our bedroom. 

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I hate those ugly evergreen bushes/trees outside our window.  As soon as we get a good ground soaking rain, Dad is going to hook his wrench truck up to them and pull them out.  I will be so happy to see them go.  I have never been a fan of anything evergreen.  I think it comes from when I was little, in the summer the rattlesnakes would always make a home under my mom’s evergreen bushes.

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I am so happy with these windows.  Since we have been here the window on the left would never open… I don’t know why, we thought it was painted shut, but that wasn’t the case.  It will be nice to have the breeze coming through two windows now in this room!

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Yesterday our friend Bruce came back from his one week vacation in Michigan.  He called up this morning and asked if we wanted his chair he sat on in his living room.  His wife bought him a new one while he was gone!  Since one of our recliner rockers had seen better days, we said ‘sure!’  We have been told these are our ‘Mom and Pop’ chairs.  Jerry sits in the one near the glassed bookshelf and I sit in the other.  The chair I sit in is the ‘new’ one from Bruce.

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Paul was done with our bedroom windows by 130 p.m. today.  So he moved right into the office to start working on one of the eleven windows in there.

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I love our office because of all the windows in it.  But in the summer it sure can get hot and in the winter… well, it actually is nice in the winter because the sun shining in all those windows warms the room up!

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Jerry had another doctor’s appointment today, with his diabetic doctor this time.  By the time we got home, Paul had finished the first office window.  Before, the old window was a solid window, now the new one can be opened up!  I will be able to get more breeze in here in the summer evenings!

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