Monday, November 16, 2009

New Bathroom Window

Boy, I really feel like I have fallen down on the job.  I used to write every single day on this blog and then I went on a little vacation.  Since then I am having the hardest time getting back into the groove of things.  Not just posting on the blog, but in all areas of my life.  I still have some of Bonnie’s visit to post, so stay tuned for that.

Last Monday the 9th, Kym came down with the grandkids and I babysat them while she and Jeff went to dinner at The Olive Garden for a little brother-sister yak time. 

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Miranda, David and I camped out in the bedroom so Grandpa could have the living room tv.

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We had a fun time watching the Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs video on the bedroom tv.  I had not seen that movie since my kids were little.  After the movie I made sandwiches for supper, then Kym and Jeff returned so I visited with them.  As always, I loved being with my grandbabies and the time flies by too quickly.

Yes, I know, lollipops on the bed.  At least the bedspread is washable!

By the way, Kym’s foot is doing much better.  She is not using crutches anymore, but still wearing the boot.

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My Dad owns our house.  I might of told this story before, but when I was 4 years old, my parents, siblings and I lived in this very house while my Dad (who is a housemover) moved my parents house on the lot next door.  We moved into that house when I was 5. 

I love this house and am so grateful for the opportunity to live in it.  It is old and charming.  Recently Dad decided to replace all the windows in this house and my parent’s house.  He came over last Friday and told me he was going to start on Monday, today.  Well, that is really great, but he plans on having all 27 windows replaced by Thanksgiving… which is next Thursday!  Yikes!  And everyone is coming here for Thanksgiving – double yikes!!

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Today he started with the bathroom window.  This was the leakiest of all the windows.  Half the time those window slats did not want to stay put and they would fall a little bit.  In the summer the hot air would seep around the window slats and on the side of the window where it attaches to the walls.  In the winter, the cold air would make the bathroom feel like it was the deep freeze. 

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Early this morning I got all my nic nacs and things out of the bathroom to give my Dad and brother Paul room to work without ME being afraid they would knock something over. 

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I know these pictures are a little dark, but you can see the nice, beautiful, large, new bathroom window!  Oh, how I love it!!

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It took them all day to work on the window as they had to make it fit.  Yes, that is my parent’s two-story house in the background.  And yes, sigh, that is my brown grass.  We need rain here in Southern California so we can get off the mandatory water rationing… and for it to fill up our lakes and reservoirs.

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Oh, but doesn’t that window look just fantastic?!  Paul even cleaned up all the sawdust and mess they made. 

This evening after they left, I had the window shut and you know what?  The bathroom was quiet inside.  It used to be you could hear if someone was whispering next door.  Oh, it will be so nice to not have a freezing bathroom in the mornings now.  I know I am whining here – but it dipped to 42 degrees last night.  That is cold for us.  Funny thing is, I remember when it was 42 degrees in the winter in Iowa when we lived there and that was considered a hot day!

How do you like our new front screen door?  We still have to stain it before it starts raining.  I love it.  Poor Honey, she has to stand on her tippy toes to see out the door now.  Her eyes will be just barely peering through the bottom lattice holes at you, she is a cutie!  At least she doesn’t go crazy about all the cats that go up and down the street like she used to.  Now she only barks at them if they are sitting on the front porch.

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