Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New Windows Over The Living Room Mantle

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You will probably get tired of my window posts!  I am excited about them.  I must admit at first I was not.  I love old things, I honestly do.  I hate replacing old things with new things if the old things are still workable. 

But these windows…

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The way the windows are positioned in this house, you get a very nice cross breeze in all the rooms when the windows are opened.  That’s just one of the many things I love about this old house.  I applaud the architect who designed the house so many years ago.

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As you can see… this window got broke.  I did it, I admit it.  I was trying to shut the window and my hand slipped and went through the lower glass pane. 

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Through the years  the pulley lines have become broken in most of the windows in this house.  In order to have an open window, you have to prop it up with a piece of wood.  But the windows are old and cranky and it is a major struggle with some of them to get them opened and then shut again at night.  My weakened arms would feel like I had just fought a 10 round boxing match sometimes after trying to get the windows to paleeeeze just open/shut nicely for me.  I never complained because I am so happy to be living in this house.  It is old and charming, like I said yesterday.  Alas, along with old comes crankiness and creakiness and parts decide they don’t want to work like they used to (almost like our human body!).

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So when my Dad came over one day a month or so ago and said he was going to buy all new windows for the house, part of me was jumping for joy, and part of me was sad.  Very, very sad.

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After all, this house has a lot of history for me.  I remember the Christmas Eve when we lived here in 1964.  I was 4 years old and very much believed in Santa Claus.  During the night, I remember getting up and wandering into the dining room where my Mom was sitting at her sewing machine putting the finishing touches on Christmas presents.  She was working on the striped giraffe she was making for my brother when I wandered in.  I remember thinking that Santa’s workshop was in our dining room for years after that!  Thankfully my little mind did not put one and one together that it was MY Mom toiling away in Santa’s workshop!

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I honestly worried about these new windows and how they would look in this old house.  Would they look tacky?  You know how some people ‘remuddle’ their old places instead of renovating them.  One thing I absolutely hate is when gorgeously, big,  old windows are removed to be replaced by small, modern windows.  It totally ruins the charm and appearance of an older home, not to mention the homes value goes down.  I asked my Dad if he planned on getting the same size windows.  He said “Yes!”.  Whew!

So then I started worrying about how modern, vinyl windows would cheapen the house.

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I need not of worried….

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I think they are looking right at home.  Don’t you?

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