Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Visit With Dad This Morning

It is a very beautiful day here in San Diego County today.  It is about 80 degrees, mild, sunny.  

My Dad came over and visited awhile this morning.  He buys a lot of books at the Friends of the Library book sales and shares them with Jerry.  Jerry just read the last of my Dad's books by W.E.B. Griffin.  Now Jerry will be starting on Dad's Tom Clancy collection.

Jerry never used to read books just to read them.  That is so hard for me to grasp because as long as I can remember I read books... tons and tons of books.  Starting way back with the Little Golden Books.  Our playroom growing up had a solid wall of bookshelves full of books and more books.  My summers were spent sitting in the apricot tree reading a book, or laying on the cool floor in the playroom engrossed in my latest Nancy Drew mystery.

Both of my parents are readers.  Just recently my Mom started going through her books and selling them at garage sales or donating them to the local library's Friends bookstore.   

I don't have any desire to ever get rid of any of my books.  I have hundreds and hundreds of books, really I do.  My poor kids when they have to go through my stuff when I am gone one of these days.  I have bought most of my books at garage sales, antique stores, ebay, library used book sales, or received them as gifts, and a few I have bought new at Barnes and Noble.

I am currently reading the last of the Mitford series by Jan Karon as my 'going to bed' book.  I love this series.  My friend, Cheryl, had the whole set and loaned them to me.  Kinda sad to be on the last book, the characters have become like family to me!

Last year I read through the Little House series again.  Things I hadn't picked up on before I did this time.  I am sure my family and friends got tired of hearing me talk about those books all the time!  My parents had gone to several of Laura Ingalls Wilder's homes during their various travels over the years and my Mom had bought a lot of books about the Ingalls and Wilder's lives.  I read all of those too.

My Dad usually comes over a couple of times a week and I take his blood pressure while he visits with us.  I love hearing all his stories from days gone by.  Today he was telling us about sugar beet farming in Washington state where he grew up.  It was very interesting.  

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