Friday, June 5, 2009

Company For Lunch

Today Kyle and our friend, Bruce, came over for lunch. I roasted a whole chicken in the oven with this chicken seasoning, and oh, it was so good. The chicken just melted in your mouth. We also had white corn on the cob, and a lettuce, onion and tomato salad. The guys had black olives on their salads (none for me, thank you!). For dessert we had this yummmy store bought strawberry bundt cake. Kyle could only stay for an hour and half as he had to get back to work. Bruce stayed a couple of hours after we finished eating. We had a very nice visit with both of them. I didn't think fast enough to get a picture of all of us at the table... gotta remember to attach my camera to my hip, so many photo ops have passed me by because I keep forgeting my camera!!

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