Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lyn Has A Kidney Stone

Today was a busy day. We started off paying some bills and came home because I forgot something. We ran into my oldest sister's friend who informed us that my sister, Lyn, was in the process of passing a kidney stone. How very, very painful. She was in the hospital from yesterday afternoon until early this morning and was sent home to see if the stone will pass on it's own. Ouch. ouch, ouch. So Jerry and I ran and got her medication as she hadn't had her pain pill medication filled yet - they had only been home from the hospital for about an hour. Her friend will stay with her for the next few days to make sure she is ok. Jerry and I spent the rest of the day running around to different stores and picking up shampoo and other miscellaneuos items we have become dependent on to make our lives comfortable these modern days (what did people do for toilet paper 150 years ago -- how did they exist without Ultra Soft Double Roll Charmin??). Now we are home and I will be calling on my sister again to check on her. Jerry had a kidney stone about 5 years ago and he said he was on his knees in tears it hurt so bad. Ouch, ouch, ouch.......

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