Thursday, August 27, 2009

Antique Jewelry P.S.

When Jerry came home last evening, he teased me and said he wasn’t going to let me go out with my mom and sisters any more because I cost him money! 

All kidding aside, he did like my new treasures and said I could still go and get the other things I wanted.  My sister, Cindy, told me that at Marshall’s I can get 2 for $20.  So think I will try there first to see if they have what I want.  I need a front closing one because I am still having a lot of problems with my right upper arm and it is too hard and painful for me to reach behind me.

Today and tomorrow are supposed to be in the triple digits again, just like the past few days.  We sure are happy with our two new portable air conditioners.  What a difference in temperatures when you come in from outside.

Yesterday afternoon I sorted through the clothes in my closet and dresser.  No, I didn’t toss anything.  It was more of an exercise to reacquaint myself with the clothes I already have.  I tend to get in a rut and wear the same couple of shirts and capris over and over and over….. Yet, my closet and drawers are crammed full with a variety of other clothes.

Stay cool, before we know it, winter will be here and we will be complaining about the cold!

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